Rutherford School

Development proposing new fully accessible and controlled entrance, new classroom, replacement therapy pool and therapy spaces for Rutherford school’s (special educational needs) 18-25 year cohort and wider community use.

The proposed new entrance allows level access directly from the vehicle drop-offs, via a controlled reception (meeting safeguarding standards) directly to the main teaching area of the school. This entrance has direct access to the ramp to the main hall / therapy areas, and for the first time this is now a direct ‘straight’ route. The entrance area incorporates a meeting room, accessibility equipment storage, new office and ‘feature’ classroom with changing facilities.

The proposed therapy pool will meet O.T. and wider school needs, including water area for more than one student at a time. The pool will be level deck, with fit-for-purpose enlarged changing rooms for all of the current student needs and for wider community use.

The building is proposed to be constructed from a number of modern, yet sympathetic materials, including brick, timber, kallwall, glass, planted walls and green/sedum roofs.

Walls are a mixture of timber, brick , green walls and cork. This is to provide a range of sensory materials in-keeping with areas of the existing school, including mosaics, mirrors and other materials.


Chalk Lane


James Allen Girls (JAGs) Pre-Prep School