Crutches Farm

Crutches Farm is a historic farmstead located in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This collection of dilapidated and disused agricultural buildings sits within the curtilage of a Grade II listed farmhouse but does little to enhance the setting of the listed building. Burns Guthrie were part of a team appointed to examine the refurbishment and possible conversion of the buildings, which include an oast, a fattening lodge, a stable and a timber-frame barn, to residential or leisure use.

The buildings are complex in form and structure, so to achieve an accurate survey, point cloud techniques were used both internally and externally, to form the basis of our working 3D model.

Our design strategy was to minimise alterations and loss of significant historic fabric and enhance the key characteristics of the buildings and their contribution to the setting of the farmstead. The design of new building elements followed the principle that they should respect the values and techniques of the original structure but are of contemporary design to be recognised as new interventions.


La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School, London


Duncton School, West Sussex